Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring green

Verde que te quiero verde
Verde viento. Verdes ramas. (…)
Hoy creo que los astros se han alineado, tenía preparado este look para publicarlo hoy, y había pensado empezar citando a Lorca, ya que por fin empieza  la primavera o casi verano ( hace un calor!!!) y el punto fuerte del look es el color verde.
Bueno pues resulta que hoy tenía un examen de Lengua y Literatura.
Y a que no sabéis que texto me a tocado comentar?
El Romance Sonámbulo que es al que pertenece este fragmento.
Espero que esta casualidad sea para bien (cruzaremos los dedos, que es mi punto débil en el cole…)
En cuanto al look, pues que me gusta mucho esta combinación de falda de talle alto, con una blusa o camisa que quede un poco amplia.
Que estoy segura que la habéis visto ya por todas partes, seguro, pero siempre hay comodines que nunca fallan y creo que este es uno.
¿La clave?
Sin duda los complementos, los calcetines creo que le dan un toque mas juvenil y lo hacen más informal.
Por otra parte mi querido dorado, si es que ya os lo dije, estoy enamorada de todos los accesorios en dorado.
¡ Buen fin de semana !

Green that I love you Green
Green wind. Green branches. (...)
Today I believe that the stars have aligned, I had prepared this look to publish it today, and had planned to start quoting Lorca, and finally the spring starts and almost the summer is here (It's hot!) and the color of the season is the green.
Well it turns out that today was a reviewing for Literature.
And do you know what text I had to review?
The Sleepwalker Romance, which is where this fragment belongs.
I hope that this chance is for good (fingers crossed, that is my weak point in school ...)
As for the look, because I really liked this combination of high hip skirt with a blouse or shirt that is a bit wide.
I'm sure that you have already seen everywhere, for sure, but there are always wild cards that never fail and I think this is one.
The key?
No doubt the complements, I think sock add a touch more youthful and make it is more informal.
On the other hand I love gold, if I haven’t told you already, I'm in love with all accessories in gold.
Have a Good weekend!

Shirt/camisa: Zara
Skirt/ falda: Zara
High socks/calcetines altos: Calzedonia
Errings and Rings/ pendientes y anillos: Bimba&Lola
Brazalet/ brazalete: COS


Sheps said...

I love the colour of the skirt! You have a pretty smile.

Anonymous said...

perfecto monique!

electricsbubbles said...

Que chulada de falda! Es preciosa *_*
El outfit es genial. Y las fotos tambien!!

Un besito

Laura A. said...

que guapa!

Anonymous said...

love the skirt :)))

Karla said...

Love your outfit, pictures are great :)
Following ;)

Flaviana Boni said...

Che bei capelli!

ti seguo! ricambia se vuoi ;)


It-Blogirls said...

lovely green skirt!

retromilk said...

Really cute outfit. Love the skirt!
You have a really nice blog. Maybe you want to follow each other?

Karoline Kalvø said...

Gorgeous. Love your blog. I'm amazed by your hair.

Check out my blog if you've got time and feel like it. It would mean a lot.
Karoline Kalvo

The Queen of Hearts said...

Your hair is absolutely incredible. It is something of a dream. If I could, I would sew it to my own head and wear it as my own (but obviously I would never and you wear it better). Also, there's something kind of 70s sexy about your look. Maybe it is the quality of the images and your personal style. Maybe it is that gorgeous hair again. Whatever it is, it is totally working and I hope you keep it up!


Angela said...

J'adore le couleure de la jupe!!!!;)
Angela Donava

Adelso Gomez said...

i like your photos so pretty.
Adorable ♥


Anonymous said...

me encanta la falda y el brazalete!unbeso :)

Carmen Porcel said...

La falda me encanta por el color, y ¡ya hace tiempo que soy fan de los calcetines altos con minifalda! Por lo tanto sobra decir que me encanta el look, ¿no?
¡Un beso!
Carmen de Puntaytacón.


I really like this outfit! Your blog is really inspiring! :)
You have just earned one new follower and on blogloving 2!!