Para empezar el año bien he ido a la pelu para cortarme un poco el pelo, que ya tocaba sanearlo después de no habérmelo cortado en todo un año. No notareis mucha diferencia porque soy un poco histérica con mi pelo y no estoy muy abierta a muchos cambios en el.
Además como podéis ver estoy introduciendo pequeños cambios en el look del blog, que también hay que cuidarlo, jaja.
Lo tenia muy básico y ya era hora de ponerle algún detallito para que también refleje como soy, bastante coqueta, la verdad.
Como no se me da muy bien el tema informático lo hago poco a poco pero espero que el resultado final sea genial y os guste.
Así que no olvidéis pasaros que dentro de unos días esto estará acabado.
To begin the year well, I have gone to the hairdresser to cut a little bit my hair; it was time after not getting it cut in a year. You are not going to notice much difference because I am a bit hysterical with my hair and I'm not open to many changes.
Also as you can see I am introducing small changes in the look of the blog, which also I have to look after, haha.
I had it very basic and it is time to put a little something that reflects the way I am, quite coquette, really.
As I amo not very good at the subject of computer I do it little by little but I hope that the end result is great and you like it.
So do not forget to come back n a few days,that it is finished.
Also as you can see I am introducing small changes in the look of the blog, which also I have to look after, haha.
I had it very basic and it is time to put a little something that reflects the way I am, quite coquette, really.
As I amo not very good at the subject of computer I do it little by little but I hope that the end result is great and you like it.
So do not forget to come back n a few days,that it is finished.
Estas Guapisimaa!!
Como siempre bebee
You hair looks so healthy and luxurious!
gorgeous scarf!
loving this!
im such a fan of your blog, you know ill be back!
hope you had a happy new year!
come visit COSMICaroline for revamped looks and stay tuned for a new blog photographer in the works!
really liking the grey wool sweater
Bonito blog! Saludoss
omg, your hair is so stunning! love the pics
xx claudia
Gorgeous outfit.. love your coat and your scarf is a must have piece
Lee x
wow, tienes un pelazo si señora!! :) te sigo! feliz año!!!
pasate por mi blog y si te gusta lo que ves, sigueme :)
stunning, so beautiful :)
You're very beautiful! Love your hairstyle and outfit x
Y dices que te has cortado el pelo? Pues lo tienes larguísimo! Y además de un color fabuloso, adoro ese trigueño! Un beso!
Me gusta el pelo liso te sienta bien , quizas deverias hacerte un corte en diagonal o tipo V
muy guapa tienbes un blolg con fotazas!!!! me ha encdnatado el look con vestidito negro!! ideal ylos pantalones de estrellas chulisimo!" garcias poir pasarte por mi bogg espero q te pasess mas veces!! te sigoo<
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