Continúo con el post de ayer.
El día de las fotos fue especial. Hacia tiempo que no pasamos las tres hermanas un tarde juntas haciendo, lo que mejor se nos da cuando estamos juntas, el payaso y nos lo pasamos como niñas.
Me aproveche para que me hicieran unas fotitos y así me hice algunas con ellas para enseñaros las bellezas que tengo por hermanas.
Hasta dentro de un tiempo no se repetirá porque una de nosotras esta lejos, pero en cuanto nos reunamos de nuevo “el poder de tres” volverán estos buenos ratos!!
Como visteis en el post anterior son del mismo lugar donde ya me había hecha otras fotitos. Es un lugar que me encanta al atardecer, y como hicimos algunas fotos chulas mientras mi padre y su compi entrenaban pues decidí que después del esfuerzo se merecían su aparición estelar.
Continuing with yesterday's post.
The picture day was special. It had been a long time since the three sisters spent an afternoon together doing what gives us best when we are together, behaving like little girls.I took the opportunity to have them maid me some photos and I also took some with them to show you the beauty that I have as sisters.
Even thought within a time will not be repeated because one of us is very far away, but when we meet again we will be the "power of three" back with the good old times!
As you saw in the previous post are from the same place where I had already made other pics. It's a place I love the sunset and we took some pictures while my father and his friend trained so I decided to compete after the effort he deserved his appearance.
The picture day was special. It had been a long time since the three sisters spent an afternoon together doing what gives us best when we are together, behaving like little girls.I took the opportunity to have them maid me some photos and I also took some with them to show you the beauty that I have as sisters.
Even thought within a time will not be repeated because one of us is very far away, but when we meet again we will be the "power of three" back with the good old times!
As you saw in the previous post are from the same place where I had already made other pics. It's a place I love the sunset and we took some pictures while my father and his friend trained so I decided to compete after the effort he deserved his appearance.